This is the field exam retest, for candidates who were unsuccessful in the previous 12 months. Only those candidates who previously challenged this exam (in the past 12 months) are eligible to participate. If you have not been directly contacted by AERIE for this retest, please do not register for this event. Candidates must meet the current AERIE requirements for this exam. This includes submission of required documentation. If you have already submitted the following documents, you do not need to resubmit as we will have them on file. Eligibility to challenge this exam requires all candidates to submit the following documents (at the time of registration), using the upload function at the bottom of this registration form:
- Canine must be a minimum of 12 months of age.
- NFPA 472/CFR 291910.120 Part Q – Hazardous Materials – Awareness Level Course.
- The candidate must have completed a Bloodborne Pathogens training course that meets or exceeds 29CFR1910.
- Incident Command System (ICS)/Incident Management System (IMS) courses NIMS ICS-100 and ICS-200. (FEMA Online Training).
- NIMS IS-700 and 800/809 course, or higher. (FEMA Online Training)
- A current nationally approved Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation certification.
- A current American Red Cross or equivalent Basic First Aid Course or higher medical training.
- The candidate must produce written proof of the canine having successfully completed a nationally recognized obedience evaluation, which meets or exceeds the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen test. Examples include, but are not limited to, evaluations conducted by a recognized Association of Pet Dog Trainers or National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors, training clubs or organizations, FEMA and/or law enforcement instructors.
- Successful completion of a Crime Scene Preservation class that is recognized by the handlers deploying agency.
- Proof of an approved Level 2 ground search certification or equivalent. The currently approved certifications include: AERIE SARResponder 2™ Certification, AERIE Canine Ground Search Specialist™ Certification, or NASAR SARTech II™ Certification. Information on AERIE SARResponder™ certifications can be found at and AERIE Canine Ground Search Specialist™ certifications can be found at
- Proof of successful completion of any additional online AERIE Canine Written Examinations. Examinations vary by specialty/discipline (details provided by email when you register for your field exam).